If you need a new brake caliper or other brake components, including brake pads, brake caliper guide pins, or brake rotors, visit O'Reilly Parts. If the caliper is leaking, or if the piston is stuck or noticeably damaged, the brake caliper should be replaced to ensure you can continue to drive and brake safely.

for the new generation were delayed until 1965, when front disc brakes. It is important to always inspect the brake calipers, as well as the brake caliper bracket and guide pins, when you perform brake pad and rotor service. The fourth generation Ford Thunderbird is a large personal luxury car produced by Ford for. If the caliper is leaking and enough brake fluid leaks from the piston seal, your brakes may even stop working entirely. If only one brake caliper is sticking, this may cause your vehicle to pull to one side, squeal, or make rubbing noises when braking. This can cause your brake pads to be in constant contact with the rotor and may result in uneven or premature brake pad or rotor wear. Over time, brake calipers may develop leaks from the piston seal, or the piston inside the caliper may stick. Brake calipers use fluid pressure from the brake master cylinder to compress the brake pads against the rotor surface and maintain the friction necessary to stop your vehicle. With over 30 years providing quality disc brake conversion kits and brake accessories, Master Power Brakes is the leading source for all of your braking needs when working on your 1964 Ford Thunderbird. They should be able to remove a front wheel and test fit the wheels of your choice before you buy them.The brake caliper is a hydraulic component in the disc brake system, and is made up of the caliper body, a brake caliper piston and seal, and a bleeder valve to allow the brakes to be bled.

Try going to a shop that specializes in aftermarket wheels. If you even go big, like bigger that 15" there should be no problem in clearance. I did have to slightly grind off the caliper surfaces to clear the vintage jelly bean aftermaret wheels. As a third alternative go with 15" wheels. I haven't thought about it but the Mustang style steel wheels my also fit with disc brakes. the later possibly 60s wheels and the 70s wheels are different from the 65 or so factory wheels to fit cars when disc brakes became the norm. I do not remeber what year Ford changed their wheels to accommodate disc brakes As I said I Have Granada wheels on my wagon. I use an aftermarket wheel spacer to clear the calipers. I have a disc brake conversion on my 1957 Thunderbird. I have Granada brakes on my 1957 Ranch Wagon. If you are looking for steel wheels then a wheel that was manufactured for cars with disc brakes will likely fit. If you have factory disc brakes this should be quite doable. They should be able to remove a front wheel and test fit the wheels of your choice before you buy them.
Try going to a shop that specializes in aftermarket wheels. This kit is easy to install and assembled in the USA Includes rotors, calipers, brake hoses, and all necessary hardware, as well as power brake booster and. Classic Industries offers ABS/TCS Parts, Brake Accessories, Brake Chemicals, Brake Hardware, Brake Lines/Hoses, Brake Pads/Shoes, Calipers, Conversion Kits, Drums/Rotors, Master Cylinders, Parking Brake Parts, Pedal Components, Boosters, Valves, & Wheel Cylinders. Click to expand.If you have factory disc brakes this should be quite doable. Classic Industries offers a wide selection of Brake Components for your 1965 Ford Thunderbird.