Then determine the value of I C using both the α rating and β rating of the transistor. Determine the α rating of the transistor. 10 (ii) shows the various currents and voltages along with polarities. 10 (i) shows the transistor circuit while Fig. The transistor is of silicon and has β = 150. Q17. Determine V CB in the transistor circuit shown in Fig. I CBO) is multiplied by β in the collector as shown in Fig.

When the transistor is in CE arrangement, the base current (i.e. The leakage current ICBO is the current that flows through the base-collector junction when emitter is open as shown is Fig. Q16. Using diagrams, explain the correctness of the relation I CEO = (β + 1)I CBO. For a certain transistor, I B = 20 μA I C = 2 mA and β = 80. The transistor is connected in CB arrangement, what will be the leakage current? Given that β = 120. Q14. The collector leakage current in a transistor is 300 μA in CE arrangement. A small leakage current I CBO flows due to minority carriers. When the emitter circuit is open as shown in Fig.7 (i), the collector-base junction is reverse biased. Find α, I E and I B when collector current is 1 mA. When the base is disconnected and the same voltage is applied between collector and emitter, the current is found to be 20 μA. With collector positive, a current of 0.2 μA flows. A voltage of 5 V is applied between collector and base. Q13. An n-p-n transistor at room temperature has its emitter disconnected. 6 shows the required common emitter connection with various values. If α = 0.96, determine : (i) collector-emitter voltage (ii) base current.

Q12. A transistor is connected in common emitter (CE) configuration in which collector supply is 8 V and the voltage drop across resistance R C connected in the collector circuit is 0.5 V. The voltage drop across RC (= 1 kΩ) is 1 volt. 5 shows the required common emitter connection. Find the base current for common emitter connection. Q11. For a transistor, β = 45 and voltage drop across 1kΩ which is connected in the collector circuit is 1 volt. 8.20 shows the conditions of the problem. Hence determine the value of I C using both α and β rating of the transistor.įig. Q10. Find the α rating of the transistor shown in Fig.

Q9. Calculate I E in a transistor for which β = 50 and I B = 20 μA. Since the transistor is of silicon, V BE = 0.7V.Īpplying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to the emitter-side loop,we get,Īpplying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to the collector-side loop, we have, Q7. For the common base circuit shown in Fig.